Diva Redefined

Finding the Perfect Audition Dress

Every singer would love to stumble upon a killer dress that makes them feel like a boss for performance day. In reality, dress shopping can sometimes be a task. As someone who personally loves dresses and dress shopping, these are a few ideas that can help when looking for something special:

  • You’re a baddie, so own it! Affirm your body, love your unique shape and work with the Lord gave ya. No-one else can be you! As women we should feel empowered to take risks with trying new looks and freely choose what makes us feel beautiful! At the same time, it would be naive to believe that every single style looks good on everyone. There are so many amazing options out there so have fun exploring what fits well, and suits your personality. With patience you will find it!
  • If you are addicted to a dress, but it doesn’t quite fit, making minor tweaks by getting it altered can make a world of a difference. Alterations are your friend! Repeat: alterations are your friend.

Body Shape


Black Girls Sing Opera Too

In 8th grade I found myself in somewhat of a musical identity crisis. I began taking private voice lessons and my loving teacher began to learn the ins and outs of my voice. Up until this point I had been singing alto in school choir because that is where I was most comfortable in my church choir. I accepted the fact that I couldn’t chest notes as high as Beyonce and that if I was gonna salvage my voice without feeling strained while belting uninhibitedly, I needed to live comfortable in alto land. This alto reality was shattered when my teacher (a wonderful classically trained soprano) began to awaken the mysteries of my head voice/falsetto range. We were warming up one day and my teacher turned to me and said, “Why have you been singing alto, you’re a soprano??!”


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“You are beautiful for you are fearfully and wonderfully made.” — Pslam 139:14